We are so glad you found the Captain William Penny Chapter home in cyberspace. The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a women's service organization dedicated to promoting historic preservation, education, patriotism, and honoring the patriots of the Revolutionary War.
What We Do
The Captain William Penny Chapter, NSDAR, was organized September 5,
1996, and the charter from the National Society was granted October 12,
1996. Our chapter assists with naturalization ceremonies, participates
in the American History Essay Contest, the History Medal Program, and
the DAR Good Citizens Awards program. We also support our DAR schools,
Illinois Veterans' Home at Quincy, the WaBose Society Children of the
American Revolution, and
national, state, and district project funding. Local projects
the Titan Fuel Project, which sends food home with local children who
are in need, and Friends of the Chatham Area District Library.
The Captain William Penny Chapter created and maintains a memorial
garden to honor our Revolutionary War patriots and the
original thirteen colonies. The garden is located just north
of the back entrance of the Chatham Community Park on Park Avenue, and
is for everyone to enjoy! Please take time to look on our
gallery of pictures to see the completed project. For further
information about attending a chapter
meeting, contact our registrar.
created by webmaster -
last update September 1, 2024. Based on original design by Andreas
the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.